“In the past, there were many times when I felt alone pushing that huge, massive, heavy structure. I was carrying it over my shoulder, pushing it myself because I built this career myself. When I started I didn’t have a make-up artist, a hairdresser, an assistant, a marketing plan. I started without having anything, just laying one brick after the other, under the sun, by myself. From now on, to continue, I need help to pave the rest of the path.” – Shakira
I saved this quote in my email inbox many years ago. I can’t even remember where I spotted this quote, but it resonated deeply with me, so I saved it.
When I Started My Journey…
Not that I am anywhere near Shakira in terms of success or scale, but I did feel this way several times. When I started writing my novel, Enchanted Silence, I felt alone. I felt like I was pushing this massive structure in my life. I had no idea where it would go or what shape it would take, but I kept pushing it.
Had No Idea Even When I was Contacting Literary Agents…
Even when I decided to contact literary agents earlier this year, I did my research and polished my query letter, but still I didn’t know what would happen. It was like living my life in a limbo for six months of this year. I kept going, taking one step at a time, carrying the burden of not knowing.
Signed With a Literary Agent
The experience turned out beautiful. I signed with a literary agent for my novel. But quite some time, my novel was a vision in my head. To keep pushing for your dream or vision is a gamble and not easy when you don’t know what’s going to happen. At this point, I know that for me to succeed and move forward in my journey, I need the support of my agent and many others to continue.
Have you felt this way in your experience? Please share with me in the comments.

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