Ironically enough, before writing this post, I took a long, hot shower. I made sure to wake up half an hour earlier than I usually do. I hopped into the shower and let the warm beads of water fall on my body.
Relaxes Your Body
The best part of taking a long, hot shower or bath is it relaxes your body! I can feel the tension melting away as I let the water falls on my body.
Since I have also started working out with my trainer again, my body is aching and craving relaxation. So every time I have a stellar work out, I jump right in the shower and make sure to rejuvenate myself.
Calms Your Nerves
The one thing I do the most when I find myself becoming rattled or tense is I take a luxurious bath. At my apartment, I only have a shower, but when I go home, I take a long bath with bubbles!
I don’t know the scientific reasoning behind it, but it seems to take away all my tension and I feel refreshed afterwards.
Great Thinking Time
When I was writing Enchanted Silence, I actually got my best ideas for scenes, chapters, and character development in the shower.
This is true for my every area of my life. When I feel stuck in any way, I try to stop my mind from over thinking and over analyzing. So I take a shower or bath so I can relax my nerves and let the answer come to me.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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