Whatever I write in my posts comes straight from my heart. When I share tips, it comes from my personal experiences and even observing my girl friends. I write because I want to be connected to you dear reader. And because it makes me connect to my heart.
So here goes. This week, I had been struggling with myself. I suddenly broke down and started crying. I spoke to my mother half talking and sobbing.
Letting Loose and Letting Go….
I told her I was tired of being put together all the time. I couldn’t hold everything together. I was cracking under the pressure. But then my mother asked me: What pressure?
It was true. No one in my family was giving me any pressure. Work had gotten busy and I was feeling overwhelmed in that department. The reality was I was being squeezed by my own expectations.
Related: The Beauty of Emotional Freedom – Take 4 Steps to Feel Liberated
It was in My Own Head
It’s great to have high expectations for yourself, but they don’t have to wear you down. That was what I had done. I had started to suffocate myself with my own expectations. I was over thinking and trying to be in control again. My mind was going in crazy planning mode.
I Took a HUGE, DEEP Breath!
I let the air fill my lungs. Why was I doing this to myself? Why couldn’t I surrender? Why couldn’t I trust the process again? I was trying too hard. So I stopped trying. And I started feeling again. I paid sharp attention to my emotions this week. When I drove to the gym today, I literally asked myself how I was feeling.
I have come to realize this is a daily process. I slip up and I have to start to dive deep again to remind myself to let my life unfold moment by moment.
Let myself feel powerful in the unknown. Just let my heart speak to me through its own beautiful whispers.
How do you feel powerful in not being in control? Please share with me in the comments.

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